Monday, June 16, 2008

Shalini Sehkar LIES!!!!

Atheist can be good, but because they are copying Christian morals!!!!!

Shalini Sehkar EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created Rationalist said...

I hate to be repetetive but I would like to know if you have any scientific evidence against evolution, just give me one proof and I'll drop the subject.

Creationist said...

You are a heretic because you put scientific evidence against GOD's evidence!

Created Rationalist said...

Just cough up the evidence, I am not putting scientific evidence in front of God I am asking for scientific evidence for young earth creationism. You do want to convince me don't you? Perhaps if you do I'll STOP being a heretic ever think about that? And you will gain an ally, if you can convince me with oner shred of scientific proof.

Bunny in the cambrian, dinosaur in the tertiary, anything and I will wholeheartedly accept your interpetation of the bible and defend your position against evolved rationalist.

I don't think I can stress the fact that if you have evidence which will bring my science in closer harmony with the bible I want to hear it, now cough it up I'm sure you have some. You are after all an AiG scientist.

Anonymous said...

You know, insistently asserting that you're not "goo" doesn't make it true.