Friday, May 16, 2008

Evolved Rationalist MOCKS GOD'S WORD!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly (at least for Warren and his fundie followers), it falls short yet again. By itself, the verse sounds promising. It shows not only Jesus talking with you, but also eating with you! Christians, please don’t wet and poop in your pants due to misplaced excitement. When put in context, the verse is contained in John’s letters to the seven churches, and the letters are regarding the events of the End Times, not a personal relationship with Jesus.

This is blasphemy!!!

Shalini Sehkar EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rude and arrogant!!!!

Evolved Rationalist is rude and arrogant because she thinks Darwinists know it all!

It is abundantly clear that Wiker has not done his research. If only he had cared a little about what he was shooting out of his ass, he would have realized that his book was only fit to be used to wipe off his ass-droppings.

Shalini Sehkar EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Evolved Rationalist is a NAZI Darwinist who supports EUGENICS!!!!

Evolved Rationalist says

If there is indeed a way to breed humans for certain abilities, what's stopping the next eugenics revolution (this time based on modern science) from happening? Should we or should we not attempt to stop it? What are the arguments that might lead us to conclude that it is or is not a good idea? Why are we so opposed to eugenics being applied to humans (if the means and the know-how are in place), when we have bred animals for preferred traits as long as anyone can remember?

See how Darwinism leads to NAZI LIES??? Evolved Rationalist is a closet Nazi!!!!!

Shalini Sehkar EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!